

Asiwaju Tinubu: The Architect of New Nigeria


The Nigerian polity is fully charged with 18 candidates cleared by Independent National Electoral Commission (Inec), for the presidential race coming up next year. While some political parties and their candidates are getting ready for the political battle, some are still in a state of comatose, not knowing what to do or how to go about it. A party has even suspended it's presidential candidate for "anti-party activities".

Standing tall amongst the other candidates struggling for the exalted seat is a man that was born ready for the job. His antecedents, steps and apt political calculations stand him out from the rest. He is a man whose tentacles and his political mileage cut across the entire country called Nigeria. From the North to the South, there are countless number of people ready to ensure he emerges at the polls through their PVCs.

There is however need to understand what the man Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu actually stands for and what he represents. There is need for clarification lest we get confused with the plethora of fake news flying around. 

The perfect angle from which any man can be properly judged is through his antecedents, what he did in his past, his activities and achievements when he was given a "small" post to occupy and how well he managed the position. It is from this stand point that Nigerians would decide whether or not to vote him for a "bigger" post and bestowed on him additional responsibility.

Tinubu's legacies, while he was the governor of Lagos State abounds. He is a true Nigerian, a detribalized leader that sees himself and others, first as a Nigerian before their tribal affiliations. His love for humanity, intellect and the country transcend tribes and religion. This was evident in his appointment of cabinet members that worked with him. He was the only governor that appointed people that were not his tribe. This shows his benevolence, accomodating and detribalized nature. 

He built a Lagos that works for all regardless of your tribe, religion or social status, there is a hope of prosperity for you in Lagos provided you are hardworking, serious and engage in legitimate business. There are numerous people that only came to Lagos with a nylon bag but are today millionaires, each of them with their "Lagos Story". He is a man that had been tried, tested and trusted. 

Asiwaju is a fisher of men. He is gifted to identify talents, nurture it and make it blossom. His tutelage cut across all sectors and has raised thousands of leaders that are now champions and excelling in different fields/sectors. 

Tinubu equally is the architect of New Lagos where people from across the country are now trooping to. If given the chance to be the next president, he will also be the architect of the New Nigeria we all crave. The leadership prowess and intellectual acumen that he deployed in transforming Lagos from dirtiest and lawless state to a mega city and 3rd largest in Africa is much available. To some, he may not be the Messiah but he surely will be the architect that will chart a new course of action for Nigeria, a man that would redirects the wheels of governance and implement plans that will set Nigeria on a new, developed and prosperous pedestrian.

Tobi Salako

Oshodi-Isolo Local Government.

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